Hello and welcome to visit www.China-Memo.com, a personal website for authentic Chinese food and travel in China. To find out more about me and this site please visit About.
In this site I write about the authentic Chinese food, including Chinese home cooking recipes, food culture and food travel in China.
I made a video as my website Youtube channel trailer, which may help you to find out what this site is about. You can watch the trailer here. To get the updates for the new videos, you can subscribe to my Youtube channel, or just click Subscribe at end of this trailer, thanks :)
To make you easy to look around, I put the content into following four sections. In each section, I explain what content are included and give some examples with links. You may check more details following the links. Or you may check the navigation bar at top of the page.
My first attempt to make a Chinese Spicy Tuna Veggie dish, which turns
out to be very good, less than 15 mins to cook, healthy dish with only
300 kcal.
To find more from the list of recent posts, please visit What's New (Blog)?
Authentic Chinese Food Recipes
The recipes you see here are all based on our family cooking. Some are the traditional Chinese recipes but I did some changes to suit my kitchen in the UK.
Some recipes are from my parents, well, most popular ones are theirs ;). Both my parents are from Sichuan province, so you will see many recipes here are the Sichuan style.
Simple and Healthy
cooking is not that difficult as you thought. You can see most recipes
can be done within 20 minutes. Of course some "big dishes" (such as
those for the festivals) would take longer time.
You may notice that the authentic homemade Chinese food is different from the food in your local Chinese restaurants or Chinese takeaway. There is not that much deep frying food in our home cooking, also we use much less oil and lots fresh vegetables, therefore is very healthy.
About the Cooker
The recipes are based on my parents or my own cooking. You will notice a big difference in their kitchen in China and mine in UK is the cooker. When I arrived the UK, I realized that I couldn't cook like I did in China. Why? because most cookers I saw here are the electrical ones, very slow to heat up, which frustrated me for a while.
In Chinese cooking, fire and temperature control is very tricky. Big or small, quick or slow, there are so many skills involved. It is hard for the electrical cooker to do so. But, that's life, we have to face it. So I get adapted to my new cooker. Without wok or big fire does not mean you can’t cook the authentic Chinese food, as long as you know some basic Chinese cooking techniques and how to use the ingredients properly.
So you will see my recipes are already modified for the electrical cookers, but my parents' recipes are the authentic Chinese cooking using wok and gas, so you may need change a bit according to the cooker you are using. Hopefully you will find this helpful.
Sichuan "Tiger Skin" Kourou (Steamed Pork Belly (Video)
First, no, this is not "tiger meat", NO! we are not that crazy!:) The dish is named because the final look of the steamed pork belly. We especially love the final part of making this dish, when my father overturns the plate then open the bowl to reveal the final look. Watch the trailer above, you will see this part.
More recipes can be found from each of the following categories: Chinese Meat Recipes, Chinese Chicken Recipes, Chinese Fish Recipes, Chinese Noodle Recipes, Egg Recipes and Vegetable Recipes.
This part is all about real Chinese food, what food Chinese really eat in China. Of course there is always a connection to the rich Chinese culture and history. You can find things like:
- Chinese festival food and culture, such as what we eat at Chinese New Year, Duanwu Festival, Middle Autumn Festival and more.
- Chinese food history and the stories behind the food.
- Chinese daily food such as Chinese breakfast, Chinese daily family meals, dining guide and Chinese dining tradition.
I love travel and finding the tasty local food is one of the exciting parts of each journey. In this section, I put everything about the Chinese regional food, either famous or just normal daily food, from different places in China. These are based on my own traveling experiences, lots photos to share with you.
You can find more details for Shanghai Travel Guide, Xian Food & Travel, Beijing, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi Guilin, and Xinjiang.
I also put some travel guide here, such as buy train tickets in China, China sleeper train in Beijing, and China Train Food.
I post many of our Chinese home cooking videos and my travel clips on Youtube. You can find some of the videos on this site.
Here is one cooking video for Chinese Pork Livers Fried Chili. more videos on site Chinese home cooking videos.
Here is a travel video taken from Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower. More see China Travel Videos. Due to the page limit, I only put part of videos on this site, to see all videos, or to get the update of the new videos, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel, thanks!
Thank you for visiting this site. I hope that you find something interesting or useful. Hope you like this site. If so, please like it on Facebook and share with your friends who love Chinese food too!
All the best,
Min :-)
(Last update: 20/03/2025)